Having positive self-talk and thoughts are some of the most important aspects of playing golf well and more importantly enjoying the game of golf. There are several things that players do to help improve their thoughts during a round.
Some players visualize and use imagery before they take a shot, some players have a go to saying they replay in their head during the round, and some try to take a step back and become more thankful for their position. Some players even use a combination or a part of all of these combined.
Positive Imaging When Golfing
Having the approach of using visualization and imagery can definitely help improve a player’s thoughts during a round of golf. If you ever watch golf on TV, you will see that some professional golfers close their eyes before they step up to the ball. When they do that, they are using imagery with their mind to visualize the shot that they are trying to hit. The average amateur may see a giant water hazard/lake as intimidating or daunting.
When a player uses imagery as described above, the player is no longer focused on the bad or negative on the golf course. Instead, they are focusing on the positive – what does the player want out of the shot? Where do you want the ball to go and how do you want the ball to get there? Do you want to draw or fade it? Do you want to hit a high or low shot? All of these are things that a player is visualizing before striking the golf ball. It (the positive thoughts and visualization) is a final boost of confidence before pulling the club away to swing.
Keep a Go-To Saying Handy
Some players develop a go-to saying during the round of golf. Golf can get very frustrating no matter what level you are at. It doesn’t matter if you Tiger Woods or someone who just started, when you hit a bad shot it can be aggravating of course. Some players take out that frustration during the walk or cart ride by sitting. Others have a go to saying that they repeat over and over to convince themselves what is done is done. In golf, it is always useful to focus on the task at hand and the present.
One unnamed PGA Tour player had a saying, “You can’t do anything about the past.” He would read this quote to himself over and over in times of adversity, doing his best to focus on the task at hand, which was his very next shot. After hitting three balls in the water, it can be rattling, but maybe that will be a useful slogan for you to remember as well in times of your adversity on or off the golf course. You can’t do anything about the past. Move on, and do better going forward.
“You can’t do anything about the past.”
Anonymous PGA Player
Try to Keep Things in Perspective
Perspective is another powerful tool golfers can use. Taking a step back and realizing how grateful you are to be in a position to be wasting time playing golf. It really is a powerful idea that is hard to wrap a players head around. Using perspective can put a player more at peace. So what if you just made triple bogey on the 7th hole, at least you are to the point where you can play golf in your life. Many people from around the world would switch shoes with you in a heartbeat.
Don’t Be a Negative Nancy
The final piece of advice is to always remain positive. Now this is much easier said than done but if you ever watch the PGA or LPGA Tour, focus in on what players do if they do hit a bad shot. They may put their head down for a brief second, but they do not dwell on it. They push on.
If you are standing over a ball about to hit a shot and still have ‘steam coming out of your ears’ from your previous bad shot, use these three techniques above to bring you back to a positive state of mind. Use visualization to see what you want to do with the ball, repeat to yourself, “I can’t do anything about the past, all I can do is move forward and be better,” and use perspective to realize how lucky you are that you get to play golf as a part of your life. You are extremely lucky!
As stated above, many people would love to be in your shoes. Take advantage of what you have given, and go hit some great golf shots. You could also try wearing wild or cool looking golf socks. This way every time you address your ball, you will see those socks and it will bring a smile to your face, making you instantly feel better about whatever you could be feeling negative about. You can check out this site for some great options for socks for golf.