A study in Scandinavia found that those who regularly played golf in their life lived an average of 5 years longer than those who don’t (300,000 sample size). An average of 5 years is a very long time with life expectancy which shows a strong correlation between health benefits and playing golf. Generally, when you are walking on a golf course instead of riding, you end up walking anywhere between three and six miles. Depending on your size, this can equal out to approximately 2,500 calories burned. According to the FDA, the human body is supposed to consume 2,000 calories a day, so walking 18 holes would put someone in a calorie deficit according to a well balanced diet. This would equal a calorie deficit, which generally leads to weight loss if you were not eating to replace the calories.
Do You Want to Be Smarter? Try Golfing!
Another way golf is great for your health is mentally as well. Golf is a cerebral sport. It keeps your mind constantly thinking about something. What to hit on a teebox, how to read a putt, what club to hit out of the bunker, how to play a certain shot are all things your brain is thinking about when playing this great game! Having a focused mind can be good for your well being. It can keep you focused on what you are doing in the present moment rather than something that you are having anxiety or depression about. Playing golf keeps you focused and according to a peer reviewed study can actually release endorphins, which release pleasure in your mind.
Become a Golfer to Improve Your Social Life
Golf can also be a social game. In today’s era of COVID-19, social interactions may not come as much as we would like due to having to be socially distant. COVID-19 showed us all how much we crave social interactions whether we realized it or not. After not being able to see people for months and being quarantined, golf was there for us. Golf was something that was constantly open through COVID-19 shutdowns due to the natural social distance barrier. Golf can be a great source of social interaction, because it is usually played with 4 people in a group. A round of golf generally lasts between 3-5 hours and that is a good amount of time with someone. That can be a great source of conversation. Older adults may feel prone to being alone and isolated. Golf can not only be good for their physical health but mental health as well.
The Ultimate De-Stresser
Golf is also known to lower stress. If you’re not playing well, golf could increase stress, I suppose (ha!). Interactions with nature and being outside can help lower anxiety, stress, and overall worries of the golfer. When you’re on the course, you can only worry about your next shot, or you’ll never complete the round. Golfing and being outside in nature can be known as “green exercise,” by scientists. Hearing a bird chirp, smelling fresh cut grass, feeling the sun on your skin can all have positive effects on your mental health as these are all things in nature that have a calming effect on the body.
Because golf is such a great relaxant, it has been known and used as a therapy for people battling addiction or substance abuse. Again, going back to using your brain and releasing positive endorphins can have a positive impact on your health. Generally with drugs, you chemically alter the release of those endorphins or happy feelings. Golf can bring those out naturally. Therefore, there is no need for drugs anymore – just golf!
If you want have a chance to live an average of 5 years longer, reduce your stress and anxiety, and get some great socially distanced interactions, golf is a fantastic sport to play.